Using data to drive
education technology




Naming, Brand Identity, Brand Design, Website Design, User Interface Design


Education, Technology


Junyo brings data analytics to the K-12 sector. They originally engaged us to help with user interface design and the relationship quickly grew. We helped them with product naming and identity for their flagship product, Streams, a classroom toolset used by K-12 teachers and schools to personalize student learning. We also helped with the identity and website for their business product, EdLights.

Using data to drive education technology


Junyo brings data analytics to the K-12 sector. They originally engaged us to help with user interface design and the relationship quickly grew. We helped them with product naming and identity for their flagship product, Streams, a classroom toolset used by K-12 teachers and schools to personalize student learning. We also helped with the identity and website for their business product, EdLights.

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